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Elitislamievlilik.com | mona55 | Am mona, loving, caring, honest and trustworthy?...Am looking for a man who is loving , caring, honest and trustworthy who can able to care and love me with his heart and i promise him that i will make him to stand as a real man and help him in his bussiness and family life and i will live with hm to build a good home for the rest of my life i will make sure he is full of happiness all the time...
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mona55 38 ~ Adıyaman ~ Other

Loving, caring , honest and trustworthy...........  
Am mona, loving, caring, honest and trustworthy?...Am looking for a man who is loving , caring, honest and trustworthy who can able to care and love me with his heart and i promise him that i will make him to stand as a real man and help him in his bussiness and family life and i will live with hm to build a good home for the rest of my life i will make sure he is full of happiness all the time... Evlilik Sitesi