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Elitislamievlilik.com | pauldarling | i am looking for a woman to spend the rest of life with, i am looking a woman who understand what love stand for i am willing to relocate to another country to start a new life, I'm a nice and funny person. I hate to be boring. I like to go out with my friends and hang out with them.... Hello, Well My Names MEL ~~ I'm a Widower~~Living Alone. I am 5'9 Of Medium Build. Hazel Eyes. Love the Great
موقع الزواج | الزواج الاسلامي | زواج اسطنبول | زواج أنقرة | زواج ازمير | بورسا عرس | زواج أضنة


pauldarling 64 ~ Adıyaman ~ Self-employment

i am willing to love  
i am looking for a woman to spend the rest of life with, i am looking a woman who understand what love stand for i am willing to relocate to another country to start a new life, I'm a nice and funny person. I hate to be boring. I like to go out with my friends and hang out with them.... Hello, Well My Names MEL ~~ I'm a Widower~~Living Alone. I am 5'9 Of Medium Build. Hazel Eyes. Love the Great موقع الزواج