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اشترك مجانا دخول
Elitislamievlilik.com | sahab80 | Serious , attractive , modest , I know English, Arabic, Persian and Kurdish languages. Also understand some words in Turkish and prefer to relocate to Turkey. Looking for educated and attractive hanim insha'Allah. bahasbiry.yahoo.com
موقع الزواج | الزواج الاسلامي | زواج اسطنبول | زواج أنقرة | زواج ازمير | بورسا عرس | زواج أضنة


sahab80 44 ~ Erbil ~ Doktor

Etik, kültür, ruhun ve bedenin güzelliği  
Serious , attractive , modest , I know English, Arabic, Persian and Kurdish languages. Also understand some words in Turkish and prefer to relocate to Turkey. Looking for educated and attractive hanim insha'Allah. bahasbiry.yahoo.com موقع الزواج